David Griggs


Client: David Griggs
Title: Starturn
Materials: Mild Steel, Catalyzed Paint Coating
Fabrication + Installation: Demiurge
Engineering: Yetiweurks
Location: Kansas City Convention Center

Artist Statement:

This piece is made up of an arrangement of hundreds of aluminum tubes, painted with luminous greens, blues and purples. These are the colors of the night sky, and they are reinforced by programmed LED lights that emerge from the ends of the tubes. The effect of this ever-changing light sculpture is to draw the viewers’ attention around and about the sculptural “disks”, finding the unique details and color of the design.

The inspiration for the piece started with the perceptual phenomena of “star trails”. Star Trails are the result of time-exposure photographs of the night sky, and they show the “transit” of stars across the sky over time. What they are really showing is the rotation of the earth, and so they describe a specific passage of time. This unique design offers a celebratory entrance experience for the Kansas City Convention Center.